Saturday, September 03, 2005

Symptom: No symptoms -

NOSYMPTOMS these diseases don't have symptoms, but some are dangerous so how to diagnose them?
Symptom: No symptoms - "Symptom: No symptoms
No symptoms: The absence of noticable symptoms.
Introduction: Even if you have no symptoms, it is still possible that you can still be sick. There are numerous conditions that have no symptoms. In some cases, the condition may never have symptoms, and in others there may be no early warning signs but with symptoms later (e.g. the 'silent killers' such as hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, and several cancers such as colon cancer). Many of these conditions with no symptoms are on the list of under-diagnosed conditions because they can be missed. In addition to this list, there are other conditions that may only have mild or vague symptoms."

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