Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Monday, September 05, 2005
Emergency Tracheotomy
Emergency Tracheotomy: "How to Perform an Emergency Tracheotomy
How to Perform an Emergency TracheotomyThis procedure, technically called a cricothyroidotomy, should be undertaken only when a person with a throat obstruction is not able to breathe at all-no gasping sounds, no coughing-and only after you have attempted to perform the Heimlich maneuver three times without dislodging the obstruction. If possible, someone should call for paramedics while you proceed. What you will need
There will not be time for sterilization of your tools, so do not bother; infection is the least of your worries at this point.
How to Proceed
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Symptom Center - "Symptom Center
Research a particular symptom and get a list of diseases with the symptom or similar symptoms. Use the listed links here or use search lookup below.
# Unclear symptoms: no symptoms, vague symptoms
# General: headache, fatigue, swelling, weight
# Common: cough, fever, flu-like, cold-like, nausea, vomiting
# Digestive: diarrhea, constipation, bleed, bloat, appetite, swallow, all
# Pain: abdominal, back, chest, joint, headache, urinary, all types
# Systems: balance, sexual, sleep, speech, temperature, urinary, walking
# Skin symptoms: rash, color change, texture change, all skin
# Mental: behavior, concentration, coordination, develop
# Organs: bladder, bleeding, breathing, digest, heart, nerve
# Body: eye, ear, leg, arm, neck, joint, back
# Nerve: numbness, paralysis, spasms, sensations, all
# Symptom lists: symptom groups"
nilsen RHEVI
Symptom: No symptoms -
NOSYMPTOMS these diseases don't have symptoms, but some are dangerous so how to diagnose them?
Symptom: No symptoms - "Symptom: No symptoms
No symptoms: The absence of noticable symptoms.
Introduction: Even if you have no symptoms, it is still possible that you can still be sick. There are numerous conditions that have no symptoms. In some cases, the condition may never have symptoms, and in others there may be no early warning signs but with symptoms later (e.g. the 'silent killers' such as hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, and several cancers such as colon cancer). Many of these conditions with no symptoms are on the list of under-diagnosed conditions because they can be missed. In addition to this list, there are other conditions that may only have mild or vague symptoms."
Symptom: No symptoms - "Symptom: No symptoms
No symptoms: The absence of noticable symptoms.
Introduction: Even if you have no symptoms, it is still possible that you can still be sick. There are numerous conditions that have no symptoms. In some cases, the condition may never have symptoms, and in others there may be no early warning signs but with symptoms later (e.g. the 'silent killers' such as hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, and several cancers such as colon cancer). Many of these conditions with no symptoms are on the list of under-diagnosed conditions because they can be missed. In addition to this list, there are other conditions that may only have mild or vague symptoms."
Online Medical Symptom Checker -- Check your Symptoms
webmed system expertOnline Medical Symptom Checker -- Check your Symptoms: "Check Your Symptoms: WebMD Symptom Checker
Need information as you determine what to do about your symptoms? Get help figuring them out by answering a series of questions. To get started, click on male or female, regardless of age, then the part of the body that is troubling you.
Male Female"
Need information as you determine what to do about your symptoms? Get help figuring them out by answering a series of questions. To get started, click on male or female, regardless of age, then the part of the body that is troubling you.
Male Female"
Daryl's TCP/IP Primer
Daryl's TCP/IP Primer: "This document is designed to give the reader a reasonable working knowledge of TCP/IP subnetting, addressing, and routing. It is not intended to be complete, or to cover all issues. This is targeted toward LAN administrators just moving to TCP/IP, however it should help anyone who wants to know a little (more) about how TCP/IP works. This document does not, generally, apply to dial-up SLIP/PPP connections."
Ce document est conçu pour donner au lecteur une connaissance fonctionnante raisonnable de TCP/ip subnetting, adressant, et conduisant. On ne le prévoit pas pour être complet, ou pour couvrir toutes les issues. Ceci est visé vers des administrateurs de LAN se déplaçant juste à TCP/ip, toutefois il devrait aider n'importe qui qui veut savoir (plus) au sujet de la façon dont TCP/ip fonctionne.
Ce document est conçu pour donner au lecteur une connaissance fonctionnante raisonnable de TCP/ip subnetting, adressant, et conduisant. On ne le prévoit pas pour être complet, ou pour couvrir toutes les issues. Ceci est visé vers des administrateurs de LAN se déplaçant juste à TCP/ip, toutefois il devrait aider n'importe qui qui veut savoir (plus) au sujet de la façon dont TCP/ip fonctionne.
Medical Student | Medical School | Medicine - A digital library of authoritative medical information for all students of medicine
Medical Student | Medical School | Medicine - A digital library of authoritative medical information for all students of medicine
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Whoever wants to learn a bit about anatomy try this
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Saturday, May 07, 2005
Profiter des cours en ligne de l'UMVF
Biophysique et Médecine Nucléaire Microbiologie
Biostatistiques, informatique médicale Neurochirurgie
Campus multidisciplinaires Neurologie
Dermatologie Nutrition
Gynécologie - Obstétrique Odontologie
Histologie et embryologie médicales Ophtalmologie
Imagerie ORL
Immunologie Pédiatrie
Psychiatrie Physiologie
Pédo-Psychiatrie Réa-médicale
Médecine et chirurgie vasculaire Urgences
Médecine générale Urologie
Médecine du travail
By Nilsen RHEVI at
Dermatlas un site ou vous allez retrouver des images et plances de dermatologie tres utiles pour ceux qui veulent apprendre la dermatologie qui a mon avis est de diagnostic visuel; necessitant des illustrations pour l'apprendre . Alors bookmark ce site
By Nilsen RHEVI at
10 380 termes expliqués à ce jour 780 schémas inclus dans les définitions
Pour faire une recherche à partir de cette page (exemple le mot hépatectomie), cliquez d'abord sur la lettre "h". Une nouvelle page s'ouvre avec toutes les racines (en brun). Toujours pour notre exemple, cliquez sur la racine hépat(o)-. Tous les mots expliqués apparaissent en bleu. Si le mot recherché est présent, il suffit de cliquer dessus pour avoir les renseignements. Sinon, envoyez-moi un petit message (clic sur l'enveloppe ci-dessus) et je m'empresserai de combler cette lacune. De nombreuses pages sont régulièrement mises à jour.
By Nilsen RHEVI at
Des cours de dermatologie telechargeable sur le site de universite paris 5
By Nilsen RHEVI at
Contact : M. GUIGUE Laurent, Responsable R&D; M. LEBLANC bruno, Responsable Département informatique Web; M. PRAX Laurent, PDG; M. STOCK Michel,
Parc Eurasanté
180, avenue Eugène Avinée
59120 LOOS
Tél : () 03 20 60 19 90
Fax : () 03 20 60 14 20
email :
Secteur :
Informatique et NTIC
Sous-secteur :
Type d'activité :
Consulting and Service
Effectif : 8
Année de création : 2000
Applications communicantes pour la transmission de données médicales. Solution RITHME : plate-forme sécurisée, basée sur les technologies web et permettant les échanges de données entre professionnels de santé (via un navigateur standard)
Certifications :
Références marchés :
CHRU de Lille, CH Armentières, CH Montreuil-sur-mer, CH Valenciennes, CH Roubaix, CH Arras. URML Ile-de-France, Clinique Coteel, Polyclinique du Val de Lys, Sainte Famille, Hôpital Saint Antoine.
Friday, April 15, 2005
Guidelines to the Practice of Anesthesia
Appendix III: Pre-anesthetic Checklist
A. Gas pipelines
1. [ ] Secure connections between terminal units (outlets) and anesthetic machine
B. Anesthetic machine
1. [ ] Turn on machine master switch and all other necessary electrical equipment
2. [ ] Line oxygen (40-60 psi or 275-415 KPa)
3. [ ] Line nitrous oxide (40-60 psi or 275-415 KPa)
4. [ ] Adequate reserve cylinder oxygen pressure
5. [ ] Adequate reserve cylinder nitrous oxide content
6. [ ] Check for leaks and turn off cylinders
7. [ ] Flow meter function of oxygen and nitrous oxide over the working range
8. [ ] Vaporizer filled
9. [ ] Filling ports pin-indexed and closed
10. [ ] Ensure Òon/offÓ function and turn off
11. [ ] Functioning oxygen bypass (flush)
12. [ ] Functioning oxygen fail-safe device
13. [ ] Oxygen analyzer calibrated and turned on functioning mixer (where available)
14. [ ] Attempt to create a hypoxic O2/N2O mixture and verify correct changes in flow and/or alarm
15. [ ] Functioning common fresh gas outlet
16. [ ] Ventilator function verified
17. [ ] Backup ventilation equipment available and functioning
If an anesthesiologist uses the same machine in successive cases, departmental policy may permit performing an abbreviated checklist between cases.
C. Breathing circuit
1. [ ] Correct assembly of circuit to be used
2. [ ] Patient circuit connected to common fresh gas outlet
3. [ ] Oxygen flow meter turned on
4. [ ] Check for exit of fresh gas at face mask
5. [ ] Pressurize. Check for leaks, and integrity of circuit (eg, Pethick test for co-axial)
6. [ ] Functioning high-pressure relief valve
7. [ ] Unidirectional valves and soda lime
8. [ ] Functioning adjustable pressure relief valve
D. Vacuum system
1. [ ] Suction adequate
E. Scavenging system
1. [ ] Correctly connected to patient circuit and functioning
F. Routine equipment
1. [ ] Airway Management:
2. [ ] Functioning laryngoscope (back-up available)
3. [ ] Appropriate tracheal tubes: patency of lumen and integrity of cuff
4. [ ] Appropriate oropharyngeal airways
5. [ ] Stylet
6. [ ] Intravenous supplies
7. [ ] Blood pressure cuff of appropriate size
8. [ ] Stethoscope
9. [ ] ECG monitor
10. [ ] Pulse oximeter
11. [ ] Capnograph
12. [ ] Temperature monitor
13. [ ] Functioning low- and high-pressure alarm
G. Drugs
1. [ ] Adequate supply of frequently used drugs and intravenous solutions
2. [ ] Appropriate doses of drugs in labeled syringes
H. Location of special equipment in each anesthetising location
1. [ ] Defibrillators
2. [ ] Emergency drugs
3. [ ] Difficult intubation kit
By Nilsen RHEVI at
Materiel Medical Professionel
c'est une boutique en ligne qui informe sur les differents materiels utilisés dans la medecine et les services de soins de santévous le trouver facilement sur
By Nilsen RHEVI at
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
site d'emploi scientifique en france
Il n'y a pas encore pas grand chose mais ca va venir alors n'oublie pas de verifier ce page de temps en temps pour nous les scientifiques
Emploi scientifique en France
By Nilsen RHEVI at
4D Interface
This is the Software I have to master for my internship in medical informatics. It's a database development tool for Mac and PC compatible systems.A simple conception and use methods, but need traininng and specific language training, and the most frustrating is the absence of documentation.
By Nilsen RHEVI at
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Saturday, January 08, 2005
Site vaovao ho an'i BAOSCHOOL
Io ndray ny site vaovao nataoko ho an'i BAOSCHOOL, De mazotoa sy mankafiza e. za moa miezaka eo foana manatsara azy fa aza matahotra e. Mbola miandry ny resaka avy any aminareo koa aho hatao ao anatin'ny tantara sy ny mombamomba ny sekoly. Aza adino ny manoratra amiko raha misy sosonkevitra avy any aminareo.
Voici un site interessant pour les étudiants en médecine, un site realisés par les chercheurs de l'equipe du Molson Medical Informatics. Sur ce site est regroupés les differents outils d'apprentissages de la science médicale. Le site comprend plusieurs, presque la totalité, des domaines de la médecine. Ben c'est tres interessant de voir ce site. J'espere qu'une version francaise de ce genre de site soit disponible sur internet dans le prochain future. voici le lien
My Dear Beach
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